
EnrollWise™ named top 2024 Enrollment & Admissions Solution by Edtech Digest.


Effortless uploads

Allow families to easily upload documents from any device, including smartphones and tablets, simplifying the application process.

Personalized document requests

Automatically request documents from families based on application requirements, ensuring they only submit what is necessary.

Secure storage

Sensitive documents are stored securely, protecting personal information and maintaining data privacy.

Streamlined organization

Automatically organize and categorize documents, simplifying access and retrieval for staff.

Automated generation

Application Receipts and Offer Letters are generated automatically based on system events for improved administrative efficiency.

Compliance assurance

Maintain compliance with legal and regulatory requirements through robust document management practices.

image of document management interface with redacted data

Actual content redacted for privacy

What’s Configurable?

  • Users and permissions levels
  • Languages offered
  • Integrations and external system synchronizations
  • Message templates
  • Personalized application forms
  • Smart forms
  • Application guidance and FAQs
  • Application Receipts and Offer Letter templates
  • Event-specific notifications
  • Available communication channels
  • Notification recipients

Lower Barriers to Entry with Effortless Document Management

EnrollWise™ helps public schools boost application rates by making document submission and management easy for families.

Principal talks with a parent and student.

Streamline document handling to lower barriers

Make applications easier with a user-friendly platform for effortless document upload, organization, and submission, reducing confusion and boosting participation.

Group of students walk down a hall together.

Increase equity of access with multilingual document support

Improve accessibility by generating documents in multiple languages, helping families from diverse backgrounds complete forms with ease and expanding your reach.

Simplified Document Tracking for Better Organization

Streamline the admissions process with simple tracking of document submissions, helping families easily see what’s received and what’s still needed for a smoother application experience.

Save time with automation

Reduce administrative burden and save time with automated document collection and organization.

Man and woman look at a mobile device together.

Accessible, Mobile, Multilingual

  • Designed to meet WCAG accessibility standards
  • Mobile-optimized and responsive
  • Multilingual support for inclusive communication
  • Flexible interface for right-to-left languages
  • Supports screen readers and assistive devices

Enrollment made easy in NYC

They’ve delivered a family-focused tool in which parents can easily navigate their children’s choices for High School, Middle School, Kindergarten and Pre-K.

Sarah Kleinhandler, Chief Enrollment Officer

New York City Public Schools

Family with child gather around a laptop and has light hearted conversation.

Family Friendly

  • Personalized recommendations
  • Clear and concise instructions
  • Accessible and responsive interface
  • Intuitive design and smart forms
  • Multilingual interface

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